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Case Study

Implementation of FortiGate in Salvita clinics

The mission of Direct IT is to take care of the client's infrastructure and to select solutions that will secure and improve daily work as much as possible. As part of the partnership with our regular clients, we often suggest solutions for them to ensure the highest security level. This was exactly the case of Salvita - we proposed to implement the FortiGate system to secure the corporate network against external attacks and to prevent the use of inappropriate content on the company computers. Salvita […]

Case Study

Metropol Group – management of shopping malls

Metropol Group bought five shopping malls and turned to us with the following tasks: managing a network of shopping malls from the newly created office in Warsaw, and implementing consistent and secure communication including all necessary hardware, software and network (IT) infrastructure in all the locations. The task was completed through: working with the IT company of the previous owner, audits at all the locations, hardware delivery, software control and installation, solving user problems, installing [...]