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Easy Surf
Firma Direct IT Sp. z o.o. przeprowadziła dla naszych pracowników dwa szkolenia. Pierwsze dotyczyło bezpieczeństwa IT. Zostały poruszone na nim kwestie związane z zagrożeniami cybernetycznymi zarówno sieci firmowej, jak i urządzeń przenośnych, zasadami związanymi z polityką haseł, procedurami informatycznymi i dobrymi praktykami. Natomiast podczas drugiego szkolenia zaprezentowany został pakiet Microsoft 365 ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zagadnień związanych z pracą grupową na plikach, komunikacją i współdzielonym kalendarzem.

Szkolenia były zrealizowane w profesjonalny sposób i stały na wysokim poziomie merytorycznym. Wiedza została zaprezentowana w dostępnej i zrozumiałej formie, a teoria poparta była praktycznymi przykładami. Przebieg szkolenia zachęcał do aktywnego uczestnictwa i dawał możliwości sprawdzenia funkcjonalności w odniesieniu do codziennych potrzeb firmy. Prowadzący znał odpowiedzi na wszystkie zadane pytania i okazał duże wsparcie w procesie wdrażania rozwiązań jakie oferuje pakiet Microsoft 365. Ponadto na skutek szkolenia wprowadzono zmiany zwiększające bezpieczeństwo cybernetyczne w firmie oraz znacząco podniesiono świadomość pracowników przez co zwiększyła się czujność na czyhające w sieci zagrożenia.

Z pełnym przekonaniem mogę polecić firmę Direct IT sp. z o.o. jako rzetelnego, w pełni profesjonalnego i godnego zaufania partnera z zakresu obsługi informatycznej.

Antkowiak Gębiak i Wspólnicy Spółka Cywilna
Direct IT provide Antkowiak Gębiak i Wspólnicy law office comprehensive IT support. Since the beginning of cooperation, Direct IT specialists have introduced changes aimed at increasing the security of the office's IT infrastructure. They conducted a comprehensive audit of the computer system, then implemented the recommended solutions and security measures and modernised the infrastructure.

Then, they arranged a dedicated IT security training for the office employees to make them understand the changes introduced and clear requirements related to IT systems and procedures.

We also decided to provide full IT service and support, and thanks to the communication skills of the Direct IT team and their commitment, we feel that the emerging challenges will be properly addressed.
Hog Slat
We have been cooperating with Direct IT for several years. The company constructed the buildings’ network infrastructure, carried out the necessary network modernisation works and currently is executing further works and services related to the supply, configuration and preparation of the new work stations. They maintain high IT security standards in cooperation with our foreign IT department.

We have no objections to the tasks performed, which is best evidenced by the long-term cooperation.

We recommend Direct IT as a reliable Business Partner
GWP Grzesiek Wielgosz Piekarski Radcowie Prawni i Adwokaci Spółka Partnerska
Firma Direct IT Sp. z o.o. opiekuje się strukturą informatyczną Kancelarii GWP Grzesiek Wielgosz Piekarski Radcowie Prawni i Adwokaci Spółka Partnerska od samego początku prowadzenia działalności.

The recent implementation of new security features for our computer network by installing a UTM device allowed us to obtain a higher level of IT security. From the very beginning, the project was carried out in a transparent manner with numerous consultations with our law office employee responsible for the project. In addition, Direct IT informed us at every stage of implementation about threats and network down-times.

The implementation of advanced network security combined with training in IT security allows us to focus on the office operation without worrying about our company data.

Orders are completed in a dynamic and effective manner, which proves high organisational skills and high level of competence of Direct IT employees.

We sincerely recommend IT services provided by Direct IT Sp. z o.o.

Plus Raty Sp. z o.o.
We have been cooperating with Direct IT for over ten years. Throughout this period, Direct IT has managed and the company servers and the computer network, but also has provided our technical department with professional support. The company solves all IT problems we encounter. Last year, Direct IT specialists performed a full audit of the IT infrastructure installed in Plus Raty, which allowed us to fully understand our resources and shortcomings in this area. Together with Direct IT, we have created a plan to implement all necessary modifications to our solutions. The modifications were implemented by Direct IT staff, including server migration to a datacenter.

Another challenging situation our company had to face (due to the pandemic) showed how efficiently Direct IT can operate – they prepared and implemented a plan for the transition to remote work.

We recommend Direct IT as with their approach they perfectly fit into our business model.
ONO Paweł Antczak
ONO Paweł Antczak has worked with Direct IT Sp. z o.o. for many years.

We would like to express our satisfaction with the very high level of services provided in the field of IT technical support. We also appreciate their advisory support in selection of computer hardware.

Direct IT has a team of highly qualified experts who always try to solve every problem we report as quickly as possible.

We can surely recommend Direct IT as a reliable partner.
CNKP Lega Piela Kowalski i Partnerzy
Bearing in mind the positive experiences from cooperation with Direct IT Sp. z o.o. [next: Direct IT] in the area of IT services provided for CNKP Legal Piela Kowalski i Partnerzy, Kancelaria Radców Prawnych, Doradców Podatkowych i Biegłych Rewidentów, CNKP Tax & Accounting Sp. z o.o. and CNKP Audyt Sp. z o.o. [hereinafter jointly referred to as CNKP], we recommend Direct IT as a reliable and competent partner.

Our work with Direct IT started with activities aimed at optimisation, updating and reconfiguration of the hardware resources used by the CNKP, but also granting access rights to the right people, with a particular emphasis on issues related to data security.

We highly appreciate the experience, knowledge and commitment of the Direct IT specialists team, as well as the quality of the consultancy support concerning our IT infrastructure and their readiness to help in solving current IT problems.

In the course of these activities, Direct IT also took over the ongoing service and maintenance of the CNKP IT infrastructure, which allowed us to carry out an audit and to schedule modernisation of the IT infrastructure. Moreover, Direct IT conducted a series of IT security training for employees and partners of CNKP, which in turn contributed to raising employees' awareness of the safe use of IT systems and helped to reorganise IT procedures used by CNKP. For this reason, we honestly recommend the services provided by Direct IT.

Green Bike Poland
Direct IT to profesjonalna firma w branży usług informatycznych oraz outsourcingu. Firma Direct IT Sp. z o.o. wykonała dla nas modernizację oraz wirtualizację serwera opartą o VMware ESXi. Przygotowała środowisko Microsoft Windows Server 2016 dla aplikacji opartej na bazie danych Ms SQL oraz wykonała projekt połączenia kilku oddziałów na terenie Wielkopolski przy pomocy bezpiecznego tunelu szyfrowanego(VPN).

In addition to the ongoing administrative support and maintenance of our IT infrastructure, Direct IT Sp. z o.o. they also showed great commitment in executing further projects for our company. Knowledge, supported by experience, means that each problem reported is thoroughly analysed and the most optimal solution is presented. It should be mentioned that all applied solutions provided a high degree of cyber security.

We can sincerely recommend Direct IT Sp. z o.o. as a reliable business partner.

MSR Traffic
Since 2018, Direct IT Sp. z o.o. has provided comprehensive service and maintenance of our IT infrastructure. We started our cooperation with an audit of the infrastructure, its rearrangement and gradual modernisation of IT infrastructure components.

Direct IT monitors our server and network devices and backup procedures, so they can proactively react to potential threats.

We recommend Direct IT as specialists in the field of comprehensive IT services for enterprises.
We have been cooperating with Direct IT Sp. z o.o. since 2018. During this time, we commissioned the company to redesign and modernise our network infrastructure, to establish a wire and wireless network, as well as to expand hardware infrastructure along with the configuration and comprehensive preparation of new workstations.

Recently, Direct IT has also modernised the network infrastructure in office spaces intended for lessees in our buildings - from design to construction.

All service works are performed with due diligence and in accordance with recognised standards. We are currently expanding our cooperation with Direct IT to include the maintenance of key elements of our infrastructure.
Fundacja Edukacji Prawnej
Direct IT conducts numerous training courses for the clients of the Legal Education Foundation in the field of IT security of enterprises.

All training is prepared with great attention to detail and the content of the training programme is enriched with numerous examples resulting from many years of work in the IT industry, good practices and case studies.

Training materials are each time personalised and developed to reflect the actual needs of a dedicated group of recipients from a given company. Experienced trainers are able to involve and draw participants’ attention, thanks to which Direct IT is able to communicate complex issues more effectively in an accessible way.

Through to training projects carried out in cooperation with Direct IT, our clients gain awareness of the threats occurring in the IT world and the knowledge necessary for the safe use of computer systems.

I strongly recommend Direct IT services in the field of IT security training.
eFitness Sp. z o.o.
Direct IT jest partnerem technicznym eFitness. Współpracujemy od początku działalności tj. 2010 roku. Direct IT wykonuje dla Klientów eFitness montaże i wdrożenia serwerów oraz kontroli dostępu na terenie Polski i Europy. W zakresie usług świadczonych przez Direct IT jest obsługa sieci 18 obiektów fitness na terenie Polski. W szczególności zarządzanie serwerami, systemem kopii zapasowej, siecią komputerową, systemem monitoringu, helpdeskiem.

Thanks to the knowledge and experience of the Direct IT team, we can focus on our core business, i.e. the development of the fitness club management system.

We recommend Direct IT services as a proven partner in the field of comprehensive IT services.
For several years now, Direct IT has been provided us with all necessary services related to modernisation of the IT network, modernisation of the video monitoring system and supply of computers and network equipment. They maintain the highest standards of the service performed, working closely with our IT department.

All works so far have been carried out on time, were well planned and did not hinder our employees in performing their duties

We are satisfied with the level of services provided and we can recommend Direct IT as a reliable business partner.
DMS - Direct Marketing Services M. Jenek T. Stankiewicz Sp.j.
Współpraca z Direct IT rozpoczęła się w 2018 roku i przez cały czas prowadzona jest w sposób profesjonalny i terminowy. Direct IT cechuje dbałość o Klienta, niska rotacja pracowników, profesjonalizm usług.

The scope of services that Direct IT provides or has provided on a one-off basis from the beginning of cooperation with DMS – Direct Marketing Services are as follows:
  • IT analysis, audit and implementation of post-audit recommendations
  • standardisation of IT processes and procedures
  • optimisation of IT resources in cooperation with the local IT department
  • comprehensive IT service
  • launching a wireless network in warehouses
We recommend Direct IT to entrepreneurs interested in substantive support and high-quality IT services.
Building Shutter Systems
We have been cooperating with Direct IT for several years. Thanks to the help of Direct IT specialists, we have carried out a series of works aimed at securing our data, stabilising out IT systems and optimising the IT resources we use.

After completing the implementation work, we decided ask Direct IT to provide comprehensive IT services.

Proactive action and effective overcoming of challenges is a strong advantage of Direct IT.

I recommend Direct IT services to companies that are looking for a stable partner and experienced IT specialists.

Salvita Sp. z o.o.
We have been cooperating with Direct IT for a long time. I really appreciate the partnership approach they offer. They not only provide us with ready-made solutions and products, but also, knowing the intricacies of our business, they propose improvements that we could implement. In the case of companies not directly related to IT, but using IT services, such approach is extremely valuable. The solutions that have been proposed by Direct IT so far are perfectly suited to our business and are very well secured. It is also extremely important that, as a company, after implementation of a new solution, we can still count on active monitoring of our systems by Direct IT and regular updates. This kind of approach allows us to create mutual trust and cooperate successfully.
Biuro Rachunkowe Walczak Tomasz
Direct IT has been a partner of Walczak Tomasz Accounting Office for over 10 years. Full IT outsourcing provided by Direct IT specialists enables the company to focus of its core business development. Direct IT represents our office in cooperation with other entities providing systems dedicated to the office.

Moreover, Direct IT has implemented a safe and failure-free system for exchanging files with the clients of the office, which resulted in a significant improvement in communication and strengthened my company's position against the competition.

Recently, a Direct IT trainer has conducted a dedicated training in the field of IT systems security for all my employees. This training significantly contributed to the reduction of the risk related to the IT infrastructure threats and the risks related to remote working.
GC METAL Sp. z o.o.
Direct IT provides us with professional and reliable services in the field of administration and operation of IT system.

Thanks to the cooperation with Direct IT, we were able to safely move the network infrastructure and computer hardware from the old company headquarters to the new one and implement it there.

Direct IT specialists are professionals who can convey their knowledge in a clear and reliable manner. We are satisfied with the quality level of services provided and we can sincerely recommend Direct IT as a business partner worth recommending.

Opinions from Google

Direct IT Sp. z o.o.
Based on 52 reviews
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Damian Zawadzki
Damian Zawadzki
14:11 15 Jun 22
Fachowa i sprawna obsługa, jak najbardziej polecam!Szczególne słowa uznania dla Pana Kacpra który jest prawdziwym specjalistą w swojej dziedzinie.
Ewa Socha
Ewa Socha
08:05 10 Oct 21
It was a nice and pleasant conversation
Justyna Kupilas
Justyna Kupilas
06:39 23 Jul 20
Efficient, friendly and competent service, always quick effective response in case of problems. I recommend their services!
Katarzyna Pszczółkowska
Katarzyna Pszczółkowska
11:01 17 Jul 20
I am very happy; Sebastian is always helpful
Magdalena Witkowska
Magdalena Witkowska
10:53 17 Jul 20
Great service, a very professional approach to the customer. There are no impossible things for the company. Constant contact with the client. I recommend them as there are few such great companies nowadays. PS. Sebastian is always kind, helpful and patient, which also applies to other employees of the company. I recommend it again.
babyono com
babyono com
11:50 14 Jul 20
We want to express our satisfaction with the very high level of services provided in the field of IT technical support, as well as on the service and advisory level in the field of computer hardware. Direct IT has highly qualified team of professionals who always try to solve every reported problem as quickly as possible. We recommend Direct IT as a reliable partner.
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