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IT outsourcing – a set of good cooperation practices

Appointing a person to work on behalf of the client's company

  • A person knowledgeable in all areas of the company's operations that have an influence on decisions of the management board enables the effective implementation of appropriate solutions.
  • Communicating the rules of work with an IT partner to the employees

  • All employees of the company should be informed about establishing a working partnership, e.g. via an email that contains the scope, rules and communication channels.
  • Participation of an IT partner in planning the company's development

  • The development of the company, both in terms of technological solutions and new locations or renovations of existing spaces, should be supported by consultation with the IT partner and his suggestions taken into account.
  • This will ensure that all needs, both the present and the future ones, are attended.
  • Additionally, the execution of installation works in parallel with construction works allow us to optimise the costs and turnaround time of IT infrastructure development.
  • Openness to partner's suggestions

  • The company's business is always a priority, but it is worth being open to the suggestions and comments of the IT partner in order to apply the solution ensuring security and continuity of the company's operations at optimal costs.
  • The most common mistakes

    Lack of understanding the rules and scope of the cooperation

  • The subscription package given in the contract specifies what services are included in the lump sum fee. For additional activities, the company is charged separately and will receive a separate invoice.
  • Use of communication channels other than the established ones

  • Notifications on telephone numbers or e-mails other than those specified in the contract and attempts to contact specific persons directly may extend the time needed to resolve the problem.
  • Lack of up-to-date IT infrastructure documentation

  • Efficient problem solving and cooperation with third companies, and adaptation of IT solutions to legal requirements or security standards is based on up-to-date documentation. If the documentation is not available, the cost of services increases due to the longer processing of each task.
  • Lack of information about personnel changes in the company

  • Dismissal of an employee should be automatically translated into blocking electronic accounts and access to the IT infrastructure and sensitive data, while hiring a new person translates into providing access and granting permissions, as well as training in safety rules.
  • Failure to take into account the partner when planning the company's development

  • Development of a company without taking into account the IT area forces the implementation of more expensive ad hoc solutions and making installations after completion of the project, which hinders daily operations and increases the costs of works. What is more, the new solutions may not take into account the changes planned to be introduced in the company in the near future.
  • Purchasing IT equipment without consulting the partner

  • Purchasing IT equipment without consultation with the partner involves the risk of inappropriate selection of equipment parameters and failure to take account of the requirements related to the installed software licenses.
  • Failure to provide key information when establishing cooperation

  • Lack of comprehensive information on key areas of the company's operations and the most important documents may result in operational paralysis or irretrievable data loss.