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WE provide training in the field of IT systems security. The main purpose of the training is to increase the awareness of employees and company managers of the common threats that occur when using IT systems. The following issues are discussed during the training:

  • What threats there may be in IT systems and whether and how can you protect ourselves against them?
  • How do I send an email as someone else and how do I verify that an email is genuine?
  • What are the most common errors related to passwords to various portals, and how to deal with the great number of passwords?
  • What mistakes have been made by other companies operating in Polish and foreign markets in relation to IT security and what was their penalty (related to GDPR)?
  • What is CSIRT and how can these organisations be used to increase our security?

The training sessions are very well received by the participants and increase the awareness of the threats and vigilance in terms of safety.  

Prowadzimy również dedykowane szkolenia z zakresu komunikacji w systemach informatycznych oparte o środowiska Microsoft 365 oraz Google Workspace. Celem takiego szkolenie jest wskazanie pracownikom firmy najważniejszych narzędzi rozwiązań chmurowych wraz z ich ograniczeniami. Podczas szkolenia prezentowane są możliwości wspólnej pracy na dokumentach, komunikowania się w oparciu wbudowane narzędzia oraz inne elementy, które w znaczny sposób mogą poprawić komunikację w firmie.

Direct IT also offers training after the implementation of new IT solutions in the company. Its purpose is to discuss the problems that result from the source of the changes and explain how these problems have been solved. In addition, each training is an opportunity to remind the whole team of the company rules and procedures related to the IT systems owned by the company, and to emphasize which system components they should pay special attention to in the context of security.  


Feedback from one of the clients:  
“The training was performed with due diligence, the form of presentation was very interesting and comprehensive, the knowledge was conveyed in a clear and coherent way, and was also supported by many examples. The training participants highly rated the competence level of the training and the quality of the training materials provided.

We highly evaluate the training organisation and the trainer himself.

It was a great training thanks to the huge knowledge of the trainer. The trainer was open to discussion, was communicative, competent, and had great experience. It is rare for a person with such extensive professional experience to not only have a lot of patience for the trainees, but also to be full of passion.

We are pleased to recommend Direct IT as a reliable contractor for training services and ensuring the high quality of the service provided by the company”.

If you need IT support and assistance for your company, just contact us.
Together we can find optimal solutions for your company.

+48 61 646 08 70